Minggu, 01 November 2009

Photography Has No Gender

Photography Has No Gender

Women photographers are fortunate. Unlike other titles, photographer has no gender. Women photographers do not force them to buy it as a "flight attendant" instead of "stewardess," or "letter carrier" instead of "Mailman". "Photographer" does not have the historical male / female titles such as "author" and "writer" or "actor" vs. "actress." Women photographers may not even have to fight gender related that "doctors" or "nurses" do. Did you know that the cashiers Bank have always been men, until the Second World War because they thought that women could not manage money?

So when you see a photographer, he is a man or a woman? That probably depends on your most recent contact with. But when you look at a photograph, can you tell if it was taken by a man or a woman? Probably not. Thus, at least on one side of the lens, it makes no difference that the photographer is a woman.

So why is it important to talk about women and photography? Because, according to a recent study conducted at the University of California at Irvine, women's brains are different from those of men.

Photography Has No Gender

The study revealed that women have more "white matter" than men. White matter connections manages treatment centers in the brain. The men, however, have more "gray matter" than women. Gray Matter control centers of information processing in the brain. According to Rex Jung, a neuropsychologist and co-author of the study, "this may help explain why men tend to excel in tasks requiring more local processing (like mathematics), while women tend to excel at integrating and assimilating information from distributed Gray-matter regions in the brain, as required for installation of language. "Although different, the study revealed that two types of brain designs are "capable of producing equivalent intellectual performance. http://today.uci.edu/news/release_detail.asp?key=1261

It is therefore logical that when women think and learn about photography, and even when they take pictures, their approach is different from that of men. What should women photographers do, so with this information?

First, women should recognize and celebrate their differences. There is no good approach to photography, as it works for you. Do not try to imitate male photographers, and certainly not to be uncomfortable with the way you shoot. Then, studying the works of women photographers who were pioneers, such as Imogen Cunningham and Dorothea Lange, as well as current women photographers such as Linde Waidhof, Lisl Dennis and Joyce Tenneson. They may have created easier paths for you to follow.

Similarly, you should check if you have found the direction of photography you need. It does not come from a woman is to help you. Choose photography workshops that offer the opportunity to share the passion and inspiration with all photographic artists in a welcoming environment. Finally, you should use your female advantage in photography. There are obvious areas. You can be in the locker room of the bride and you can connect with the baby crying. There are less obvious items, too. You can "communicate" with the person who speaks a different language, in contact with wild animal or see the lines of unique landscapes. Let your vision expand to its full status of women.

This does not mean that you become a ranting feminist photographer. The art of photography is to be loved and appreciated, regardless if made by a woman or a man. The fact is that photography has no gender. As a photographer, you need to create beautiful images of lasting quality. The viewer will not care who he is. Do not let the artificial designations get in your way. But you also should recognize, celebrate, explore and nourish your difference. You may be happy with what you discover.

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