Selasa, 03 November 2009

10 Photography Tips for Amateur Photographers

10 Photography Tips for Amateur Photographers

Here are some tips that you learn to take better pictures with your digital camera.

1. Flash use in Daylights
Photos of people may be better when you turn on your flash, because of harsh shadows that hit on your face in broad daylight, will be removed.

2. Get Closer
No need to be careful about walking around your subject when taking photos. It is essential for further details and / or use the zoom. Portraits often become more beautiful if you take smaller sections of the image. Compact digital cameras do not support long distances to your subject, and generally do not produce good pictures if you're standing over a meter away.

3. Know your camera Flash range
Small aircraft have rarely sufficient strength in the flash range. Remember that digital cameras will not compact over two, three meters. When you use the flash, go closer to the person so you get lightning sufficient and do not receive the darker images.

4. Locate where natural light comes from
Sharp develops the side light from the shadows and gives people many unnecessary shadows side of the face. Take a step sideways or go elsewhere, generally do what you can to minimize unwanted shadows. Turn on the flasher, if that helps.

5. Choose an appropriate background
Portraits are often better with a neutral background, without interference from items such as passenger cars, or people on foot. Go closer to the person you take pictures, or use the zoom to minimize the context around it.

6. Children better photos
Infants and Childs are matters of image, but the most common error that the mother and father do is they get up when they take pictures. If you sit on the floor and take the picture from the perspective of the child, you can produce much better images, as images become both better and more fun to watch.

7. Composer Image
The images do not always become better if the subject is placed exactly in the center. Try different locations. Imagine that the image is divided into three parts from left to right and top to bottom. Experiment with moving the issue between those parties.

8. Focus on good things
If the device has a button that locks the auto focus can be used to lock the focus on the person or the main subject before the image is being composed. Many measuring devices discussion reported a cross in the middle of the image. The person or permanent item on the side of the Red Cross risks becoming blurred. Many camera lock focus when you press the shutter button halfway.

9. Experience
Play with the functions of the camera and teach you how they work. Try using a tripod and take photos of moving objects with long time shutter. Talking with people taking pictures of you and see them in the eye, it creates a better contact with the subject.
Teach yourself the macro function, it can give images a new dimension. It is also recommended to consider Photoshop and photo editing programs, so you can improve you pictures later. To become a good photographer you need to know that you have to take lots of pictures! Many are poor, some are good, and some will become extraordinary.

10. Organize photos on your computer
Hard disk of the computer has a capacity to devour photos. They completely disappear in the jungle of files and documents. Do not have hundreds of files and subdirectories on your computer with images, but put the files where they are easy to find. A good way to organize your photos you can use you own camera software to do the organizational work easier, or use other programs like iPhoto or Adobe PhotoAlbum. These programs can even edit and print copies for you, which are characteristics of Nice.

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