Jumat, 06 November 2009

Fashion Photography

Fashion photography is the area of photography that focuses on taking photos of clothing or accessories (on models or single) to be published in fashion magazines, advertisements or distributed to the designers.

Baron Adolphe de Meyer is credited as the fashion photographer first. In 1913, Meyer took the first fashion photographs for Vogue. Modern fashion photography can be done with a twist of commercial or aesthetic. The fashion photographs tend to be taken in exotic locales with dramatic lighting.

Some of the most noted fashion photographers include Phillipe Halsman, Helmut Newton, Herb Ritts. Vogue, Bizarre and Life magazines have all been noted sources of fashion photography.

Fashion photography tends to be a watermark credible ideals of beauty in a given period, and an indicator of social and political climate. For example, with the Iraq war lasting trends of fashion (and, therefore, fashion photography) show a remarkable increase of fatigue clothing printed.


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