Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

That 70's Style

Spring fashions this year are rolling in with a 'blast from the past' ladies so if you're old enough to have been able to store away your vintage clothes..."go get em" and if not, you can always hit up your mama or your auntie's closets!

A-line skirts, wide leg pants, billowy ankle length dresses and wedge heeled shoes are taking 'front and center' as 'That 70's Style' is back in a big way! 
Fashions are going back to a simpler time when less was best and definitely less overtly sexy.  The 70's were all about femininity with a subtle hint of sensuality...

To achieve the liberated yet ladylike look of the 70's you need to focus on interesting fabrics and patterns and throw away the idea that stripes and florals are 'old fashioned'.  The 70's was a comfortable yet fashionable time, so you can cut yourself loose from anything tight fitting because that was so yesterday.  Make sure you put them away somewhere for safe keeping  because you just never might be back in style next year ha!
Designer Marc Jacobs pushed the return of the 70's style at Fashion Week 2011 as he saturated his designs with lines & pattern/color schemes so much so that he put us in a time warp!

If you're looking for a muse to copy fashion styles of the 70's from, check out Bianca Jagger & Farrah Fawcett as these two women were on the top of their game as icons of an era gone by... , , , ,

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