Minggu, 25 April 2010

Gallery Headshots Female

headshots, headshot photographer, headshot photographyThe best way to get a good photographer is by referral or seeing the photographer’s work for yourself. If you have friends in the industry or an agent that you trust, ask them who they would recommend for headshots. If you are at an audition or on a shoot and you notice someone has a particularly nice headshot, ask who did it and if they would give you a number to reach the photographer. Most talent will be much more forthcoming with information about a photographer than they might be about an agent or client. Your headshot is often times the first thing that a potential client will see. There are times when your headshot is the only thing a casting agent will see and may hire you directly from it and your resume. The fact is that most casting agents look at the headshots of talent before deciding whom to bring in for an actual audition.

headshots, headshot photographer, headshot photography
headshots, headshot photographer, headshot photography

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